Explore our articles pertaining to Portuguese Hawaiian History.
Caucasian But Not White: Race and the Portuguese in Hawaii
What We Get Wrong About the Portuguese Immigrants to Hawaii 140 Years After The First Contract Laborers Arrived
Hawaiian History
Important Dates in Hawaiian History: A Timeline
The One They Left Behind: Children Left Behind in the Azores and Madeira
Why Did They Leave, Part One: Reasons for Azorean and Madeiran Migration to Hawaii
Why Did They Leave, Part Two: Risks and Rewards for the Madeirans and Azoreans Migrating to Hawaii
Leprosy and the Formation of the Leper Colony at Molokai
Portuguese in the Hawaiian Legislature, 1890-1978
Portuguese People from Hawaii
The Azorean Brides: The First Portuguese Women in Hawaii
Antone Sylva, A Maui Legend
Antonio Joaquim Lopes, From Whaling Ship to Community Leader
Frank Ferreira, Bringing the Aloha Sound to the World
Henry O’ana, Major League Baseball Player
John Eliot de Castro
Maria Loriana da Cunha, The First Portuguese Woman in Hawaii
Maria (Pacheco) Cosma: Family Doctor, Midwife, and Seamstress
Rosalie Enos Keli’inoi, First Female Legislator
A Soldier’s Story: Theodore Pacheco
Sugar Plantations
Female Workers on Hawaii’s Sugar Plantations
Hawaiian Sugar Plantation Contract Example (Translation to English)
Hawaiian Sugar Plantation Occupations, Work Day, and Wages
That’s Old News: Inspector General of Immigration Report June to September 1887
List of Hawaiian Sugar Plantations, 1899
Male Workers on Hawaiian Sugar Plantations
Monday Mystery: Sugar Plantation Train Photo
Processing Sugar Cane in Hawaii in the 1860s
Sugar Plantation Histories: Island of Hawaii
Sugar Plantation Histories: Island of Kauai
Sugar Plantation Histories: Island of Maui
Sugar Plantation Histories: Island of Oahu
The Sugar Plantation that Started It All
What Occupations Did They Do on the Hawaiian Sugar Plantation?
Wailea Milling Company, 1938-1939: Officers and Operating Personnel
Updated 10/20/21
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