Compiled by Members of the Portuguese SIG
açougueiro = butcher
administrador = administrator
aduaneiro = custom house officer, customs officer
advogado = lawyer, attorney
agricultor = tiller, farmer
alcaida = mor-governor, mayor (mor = chief; grand)
alfaiate = tailor
alferes = second lieutenant, standard bearer, ensign
almirante = admiral
amo de xxx = boss, chief of something
almoxarifado = storekeeper, warehouse keeper
alpinista = mountain climber
aprendiz = apprentice
armador = shipowner
arcebispo = archbishop
arrendatário, inquilino = tenant, renter, lessee
anfice = journeyman
balconista = shop assistant, sales person
barão = baron
barbeiro = barber
baritono = baritone
bispo = bishop
bojeiro = herdsman
bombeiro = Fireman
bordadeira = embroideress
botânico = botanist
brigadeiro = brigadier general (army, air force)
cabeleireiro = hairdresser, wigmaker
cabineiro = signalman (railway); waiter in a sleeping car
caçador = hunter
camiseiro = shirtmaker, haberdasher
campeador = cowboy, cowhand
camponês = peasant, small farmer
caneleiro = spooler (in weaving)
capelão = chaplain
capitão = captain (army, air force), political boss
capitão = de = corveta = lieutenant commander
capitão = de = fragata = commander (navy)
capitão-de-mar-e-guerra = captain (navy)
capitão-tenente = lieutenant commander (navy)
carniceiro = butcher
carpinteiro = carpenter
Carreteiro = coachman carter
carteiro = postman
cavalheiro = gentleman, knight, nobleman
cervejeiro = brewer
chofer = chauffeur
cigano = gypsy, trickster, shyster
clérigo = clergyman
clero = clergy
cocheiro = coachman, cabririver
comerciante = merchant, trader
comodoro = commodore (navy)
conde = count, earl
conselheiro = counsellor, consultant, councilman
contador = accountant
contra = almirante-rear admiral (navy)
coronel = colonel (army, air force)
corsário = Consair, pirate
cortadeira = pastry currer
cortador = meat cutter, butcher
cozinheiro (a) = cook
criada = maid
cronista = chronicler historian
cura = clergyman
curtidor = tanner
dentista = dentist
docente = teacher, lecturer
(doceiro?),confeiteiro = confectioner, candy seller
doutor = doctor
doméstica = domestic maid
donna (a) = owner, master
duque = duke
empacotador = packer
empregada = maid
empregado (a) = employee
encarregafo = person in charge
escravo (a) = slave
escrevente = scribe
escritor = author, writer
escriturário = bookkeeper
escrivão = notary, clerk
escudeiro = shield-bearer; squire
escultor = sculptor
exército = military, army
faxineira = charwoman
fazendeiro = farmer
feiticeiro/mago = wizard
feiticeira = witch
feitor = administrator; manager
ferreiro = blacksmith
fidalgo = nobleman
frei = friar, monk
general = major general (Army), general (air force)
guarda = watchman
guarda = marinha-ensign (navy)
fiscal = custom inspector, revenue officer, controller
hospedeiro = innkeeper
impressor (a) = printer
jardineiro = gardener
joalheiro = jeweler
juiz = judge
jurado = jury man
lapidário = stone cutter, gravestone cutter
lavrador = agricultural worker, peasant
leiteiro = dairyman
lenhador = woodcutter
liberto = freed slave
licenciado = one who gives a license (dictionary says college graduate (BA)
lobista = lobbyist
locador = landlord
locutor = speaker, radio announcer
lojista = shopkeeper
major = major (army, air force)
mancebo = ordinary seaman
marceneiro = cabinetmaker
marechal = general, marshall (army, air force)
marinheiro = sailor
matuto = backwoodsman (very negative)
médico = doctor
meifinho = bailiff
mendigo (a) = beggar
mestre = master
mineiro = = miner
ministro = minister
moleiro = miller (miner?)
músico = musician, composer
nobre = noble, nobleman
notário = notary
obreiro = worker, laborer
oleiro = brick mason, pottery worker
operario = worker
ourivres = silversmith, goldsmith
padeiro = baker
padre = priest
parteira = midwife
pasadeira = servant who does ironing
pastor = pastor, minister
pastor = shepherd
patrão = employer, master
pedreiro = stonemason, brick mason, bricklayer
policial = policeman
pescador = fisherman
picheleiro = tarpit worker
pintor = painter
porteiro = door keeper, janitor
portuario = longshoreman
prefeito = mayor
primeiro = tenente-lieutenant (navy)
principe = prince
procurador = procurator, proctor
procurador de senado = senate procurator
professor (a) = teacher
politico (a) = politician
promotor de justíca = district attorney
proprietário = proprietor, owner
prostituta = the oldest profession (for a woman)
protector = protector
rainha = queen
recebedor = cashier
rei = king
relojoeiro = watchmaker
rendeiro = lacemaker or seller, tenant. farmer, renter, lessee, lessor
sacerdote = priest
sacristão = sexton
sapateiro = shoemaker
segundo = tenente-lieutenant junior grade (navy)
serradore = saw man
serralheiro = locksmith
servente = servant
soldado = soldier, private
tanoeiro = cooper
tecedor = clothmaker
tecelão = weaver
tenente = lieutenant
tenente = coronel-lieutenant colonel (army, air force)
tesoureiro = treasurer
testementeiro = executor
tintureiro = dyer
torneiro = tanner
tosador = shearing, thrashing
toueiro = bullfighter
trabalhador = laborer
vaqueiro = vaquero, herdsman, cowhand
varejista = retailer
vendador=shop keeper
vereador = town councilman
veterianário = veterinarian
vice-almirante = vice admiral (navy)
vigário = vicar, cleric
vigia = watchman
violonistra = guitarist
This list was compiled by Portuguese genealogists formerly with the Portuguese Special Interest Group on AOL
© 1998-2021 Melody Lassalle