You may have come across this in your research. A family migrates to Hawaii. They have 7 children before they left, but only 6 arrive in Hawaii. Did one child die prior to migration? The answer may be as simple as making sure someone in the family survives. An Uncertain Voyage to Hawaii For immigrants…
Category: Azores Islands
In Praise of Sao Miguel
Sao Miguel was the second island in the Azorean archipelago to be discovered by the courageous and curious Portuguese. Known as the “Green Island” (Ilha Verde), it is a quaint and charming gem in the seas of the mid-Atlantic Ocean. It is the proud home of the capital of the Autonomous Region of the Azores,…
Why Did They Leave? Part Two: Risks And Rewards For The Madeirans And Azoreans Migrating To Hawaii
The Azoreans and Madeirans who came to Hawaii were looking for a better life for themselves and their children. There were more opportunities in Hawaii than they could find at home. This was a risky proposition and it took courage to undertake this journey. The Sugar Plantation Migration The birth of the sugar industry of…
Why Did They Leave? Part One: Reasons For Azorean and Madeiran Migration To Hawaii
It’s difficult to know the exact reason each Azorean and Madeiran ancestor immigrated to Hawaii. By researching history and culture at the time of emigration, it’s possible determine what factors played into their decision to leave. Difficulties of Everyday Life Imagine for a moment the migration your ancestors undertook. They left the home of their…
Whaler, Ranch Hand, Saloon Owner, And Shepherd
Guest writer, John Vasconcelos, has shared this story of his ancestors with us. Although his ancestors did not got to Hawaii, these stories, especially about whalers, are our stories, too. —– Jose Joaquim de Freitas From Flores My maternal grandfather, Jose Joaquim de Freitas, left his natal home on the Island of Flores in the…