Captain Schlieman
Report of the bk HIGHFLYER, Capt Schlieman, – Sailed from the Downs, Nov 19; wind NE strong, with heavy sea. Passed the Lizzard, Nov 21. Had fresh breezes with fine weather to San Miguel. Arrived at St. Michael’s, Azores Islands, Dec 14, 26 days from London. Took on passengers for Honolulu and sailed on the 19 Dec. Crossed the equator, Jan 25th, 1881, in 29* 17 W. Had light winds and calms to the Equator and afterwards variable. Sighted Staten Land on the 25th Feb, and then encountered heavy gales from the W and SW, with snow and hail storms and heavy confused sea; was 25 days from Staten Land to 51* 5s and 80 W in the Pacific. On the 23rd March, Manuel De Frias, a passenger, fell overboard; the vessel was hove too, but the weather was too severe to lower a boat and the man was drowned. From thence to 42*S, 82*W, had continued bad weather; crossed the Equator on the 14 April, in long 120 W, weather pleasant light winds from S, to April 17. From thence had moderate SE trades to within four days sail of the islands when we had a fresh breeze from NE. Arrived in the port of Honolulu April 30, 131 days passage.
Took on board at St. Michael’s, 242 men and women, 86 children, between 1 and 14 years of age, and 22 children under six months. Had 13 deaths on the voyage (2 adults and 11 children) and 19 births.
The bark HIGHFLYER arrived in port on the 30th, 131 days from London via San Miguel, Azore Islands. She brought a large number of Portuguese immigrants.
From St. Michael’s, per HIGHFLYER, May 2 – 350 Portuguese immigrants (men, women, and children)
From London, per Highflyer, April 30 – 2990 pkgs spirits, 8 pkgs dry goods, 746 pkgs paints and oils, 30 bales bags, 303 bdls iron, 5 pkgs saddles, 200 bxs soap, 100 bxs tinplates, 1000 bbls cement, 3 tombstones, 45 bdls wire, 50 m bricks, 10 csks guano, 8 pkgs mehnry (sic) and corks, 394 pkgs misc. mdse.
Per Highflyer – A.S. Cleghorn & Co, M. Phillips & Co, E.O. Hall & Son, Castle & Cooke, M.S. Grimbaum & Co, H. Hackfield & Co, E. Hofschlaeger & Co, C. Brewer & Co, Dr. James Wight.
COMMERCIAL – Friday, May 6, 1881
The imports during the week have been light, the only general cargoes being that of the Falkinberg, from the Coast. The Highflyer brings besides her immigrants, some heavy lines of spirits, paints, etc., and cement, taken on board in London.
The Highflyer is at the ESPLANADE discharging. She sails from this port for Manila being chartered to load sugar at the port for San Francisco.
Excerpts from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser Weekly, Saturday, May 7, 1881, State of Hawaii Library (Micro-film)
Thank you to Sandy Sakai for this contribution.
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