Questas das Terras do Punchbowl, Honolulu, Hawaii (Land grants for the Punchbowl Crater) Applications Rejected (Extracted from O Luso. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Published 24 Feb 1912.) Alves, Manuel Jr. 164 7 Amorim, Joseph Roman 145 166 Andrade, Joao de 23 52 Borges Pereira, Antonio 199 19 Braga, Olympia de 26 10 Caetano, Jose 60…
Category: Hawaiian Records
Punchbowl Land Grants Second Opinions 1912: List of Portuguese Names
Questas das Terras do Punchbowl, Honolulu, Hawaii (Land grants for the Punchbowl Crater) Applications Rejected (Extracted from O Luso. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Published 24 Feb 1912.) Secundo A Opiniao da Hoje 1st No 2nd No Note Aguiar, J. L. 185 (no number) filho, A.L. Aguiar, applicante Aguiar, L. Rosa d’ 68 85 filha…
Punchbowl Land Grants Suspended 1912: List of Portuguese Names
Questas das Terras do Punchbowl, Honolulu, Hawaii (Land grants for the Punchbowl Crater) Applications Suspended Until An Interview With Procurado-Geral Lindsay (Extracted from O Luso. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Published 24 Feb 1912.) As Applicacoes em Suspensao Number Araujo, Manuel 155 Caetano, Jose 60 Drummond, Lulu A. 39 Gomes da Silva, Joaquim 92 Machado, Jose…
Punchbowl Land Grants Approved 1912: List of Portuguese Names
Questas das Terras do Punchbowl, Honolulu, Hawaii (Land grants for the Punchbowl Crater) Applications Approved as of 24 Feb 1912: Portuguese Names List (Source: O Luso Newspaper. Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Published 24 Feb 1912. Page 2) Applicacoes Approvaidant Number Notes Caetano, Jacintho 81 Calasopa, Maria Furtado 77B Candido, Manuel 168 Enos, John 51 Faria,…
Portuguese Hawaiian Memories Adult Name Index By Island
This is an adult name index to the book Portuguese Hawaiian Memories by JA Freitas. It was compiled by amazing volunteers who were part of the Genealogy Forum on AOL in the 1990s. This book will be helpful to you if your ancestors were still in Hawaii in 1930. Not all Portuguese have a biography…