New Rules Due to the Irish Potato Famine Migration In February of 1847, partly due to the Irish Potato Famine which led to the beginning of mass migration, a passenger act was passed which tried to reform the issue of space. They still had 2 passengers for every 5 tons of the ship’s register, but…
Author: CheriMello
Alien Registration
If your ancestor did not become an U.S. citizen and was still alive in 1940, you may find alien registration a useful alternative to the naturalization records. Alien registration was simply a requirement for any alien living in or arriving in the United States after June 1940. Many of those who registered subsequently naturalized. The…
American Passport Records
Traveling Outside the United States Your immigrant ancestor most likely would have needed an American passport if they traveled back to the “old country.” This means they would have become naturalized and filled out a passport application. Some information that could appear on an application (this one is 1913): name, spouse, minor children including their…
Social Security Records
If your immigrant ancestor received Social Security, you may write and get the form that they used to apply for Social Security. The form, the SS-5 contains the following: 1) full name 2) mailing address 3) full given name at time of birth 4) age at last birthday 5) date of birth 6) place of…
Passenger Arrival Lists Part One
Customs Passengers Lists The Bureau of Customs had states keep records. Generally, these are considered to begin in Jan. 1800 in the port of Philadelphia. It was done haphazardly at other ports. In Dec. of 1818, Representative Thomas Newton of VA was concerned about those dying aboard vessels coming in America. Sanitation and ventilation among…